This past weekend we finished our series on the DNA of a Healthy Church. We discussed the idea of the missional church. In a culture that is becoming increasingly hostile to the Christian faith we need to take a good look at the effectiveness of the church. Our methods need to change while keeping our message the same.
In his book "Church Unique," Will Mancini shares three shifts that he sees occurring in the missional church. (1) A shift from "doing" church to "being" the church; (2) a shift from "invitational" evangelism to "incarnational" evangelism; and (3) a shift from viewing people as "prospects" to viewing people as "people Jesus misses most." Although his book is a book about developing God's vision for the church, his comments on the missional aspect of the church are very thought-provoking. (If you want to purchase his book, check the Amazon link on the left column of my blog.)
So, what do you think it means to be a missional church?