Saturday, January 8, 2011

Life is Way Too Complicated

As I am writing this post, there is a light snow falling outside. I love the snow because it makes everything beautiful and simple. Life tends to be put on hold for a few brief hours. Schools are closed, schedules are changed, families spend more time together at home. Then, life kicks back into gear, the busyness of life begins again, and we are reminded that life is way too complicated.

Tomorrow I'm beginning a new message series titled The Simple Life. I've been reading a book by Thom S. Rainer and Art Rainer called Simple Life.  Without giving away too much of the details, it simply challenges us to look at our lives in the areas of time, relationships, money and God.  Are we living a simple life that is focused on our priorities, or are we just living life - full of a lot of stuff, but empty in meaning and purpose?

I would recommend reading the book.  You can click on the link below under My Favorites and purchase it directly from Amazon.  You won't be disappointed.  You might just be challenged...and changed.

For now, enjoy the soft, white purity of the snow and the simple life that it forces us into.  Blessings!

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